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Demystifying 5 Common Cardiovascular Myths: What You Need to Know

Everyone is most likely to encounter heart and blood vessel problems in one way or another – yet most people don’t know the facts. Our yarraville doctors get lots of questions revolving around cardiovascular myths. Let’s debunk most often-heard but wrong ideas about heart problems. How many are you aware of?

Myth 1: With Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs, You Can Eat Anything

Your blood’s cholesterol comes from two places: your liver produces some, while the rest comes from certain foods. Statins are medicines that lessen the cholesterol your liver makes. Thus, your blood’s cholesterol decreases, leading to less cholesterol in your arteries. But remember, if you eat foods high in cholesterol and saturated fats while on statins, the medicine won’t work as well. Your cholesterol levels won’t go down; they might even go up.

Reality: Cut down on cholesterol and saturated fats. Let your statin do its work well.

Myth 2: Cardiovascular Diseases are for the Elderly

Many folks, especially the youth, think heart disease only targets the old, making them relax, figuring they’re safe. However, that idea? It’s not just incorrect- it’s risky.

Reality: The fact is, heart disease doesn’t care how old you are. Yes, getting older ups your odds, but even youngsters aren’t safe.

Kids, teens, and young grown-ups can get it, too. Especially if they’re overweight, have type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure. Or if they smoke or don’t move around much.

Myth 3: I’ll Know if I Have High Blood Pressure Because There Will Be Warning Signs

High blood pressure is often known as a “silent killer.” Why? Because it doesn’t usually show any signs. Don’t wait for your body to send a warning.

Reality: Get a basic blood pressure test. This is how you learn if your blood pressure is high. Treating high blood pressure early is critical. If ignored, it could lead to heart attacks, strokes, kidney damage, and other health problems.

Myth 4: There is no difference between a Heart Attack and a Cardiac Arrest

Heart attacks and cardiac arrests are not the same thing. They are both emergencies, though.

Reality: When a heart attack happens, it’s because a blockage in a coronary artery has occurred. This blockage means the heart muscle can’t receive the blood it needs and will begin to die if not treated due to a lack of oxygen. The person will likely be awake – you’ll need to call 000 and make sure they stay calm.

Cardiac arrest is when a person’s heart stops circulating blood through the body, and their normal breathing ceases. The person will be unconscious. In this scenario, you should call 000 and begin CPR.

Usually, amongst adults, cardiac arrests are a result of heart attacks. This is down to the fact that a person having a heart attack may experience a dangerous heart rhythm, leading to cardiac arrest.

Myth 5: A Low Fat Diet Prevents Heart Disease

People often warn: to keep your heart safe, avoid fats! This advice, though, is too basic. It deserves a more detailed explanation.

Reality: True, certain fats, like saturated and trans fats, are unhealthy for your heart. Yet, the fat family is large with diverse members. Unsaturated fats found in veggies, oils, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish are good for your heart. They might even lower your chances of heart disease.

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